Pastel Planters
Sometimes it's hard to find garden pots in exactly the color you're looking for, and often those pots come with a hefty price tag. Fortunately, it's very simple to follow these quick decorating tips to make over your existing garden pots, whether they're plastic, terracotta or enamelled. You can spray paint your pots to reflect the color of the flowers in your garden, or to tie in with the color scheme you choose for your garden accessories and furniture. The paint is tough and weatherproof - ideal for outdoor decorating.
You'll need
Two garden pots, Newspaper, White Primer, Satin Ice Cream, Satin Pastel Green
Hints & tips
"Apply Valspar Premium Clear as a top coat to prolong life of your revitalized pots."
Step by step guide
1-Clean your pots carefully with hot, soapy water to remove any traces of dirt or grease.
2-Lay out sheets of newspaper to protect your workspace. Your work area should be well-ventilated - if it's a clear day, you could apply the paint outdoors.
3-Apply White Primer to prepare the surface.
4- Spray one of the pots with Satin Ice Cream and the other with Satin Pastel Green.

Posted by xkmorris: Well when I retired last year I also retired my old steel toe work boots. They are planted with plants now and looks pretty good.
Posted by klynnnn: I have an old gray enamelware pot that I partially buried on its side and I have thyme planted in that next to some rosemary
Posted by patricia_mi: While I was up visiting my Fathers 40 acre christmas tree farm, I found an old metal childs potty (white) with several holes in it. I was thinking some pretty strawberry plants or hen & chicks would look nice.
Posted by goofyj: I like baskets and have one small one with a lid that opens and makes a backdrop for the plants. I also have a picnic basket that the lids open to the middle and I will put pots of mums in; a kids tractor about 18" tall with plants inside, and a kids rocking chair with pot on the seat. Problem is the deer, now they jump up on the porch to taste the goodies.
Posted by Phyllis__MN: Last year I planted an old coal bucket with impatiens, which looked really nice, and a Red Flyer wagon with fibrous begonias which was gorgeous. I have a pair of black rubber kids boots that are going to be planted with shasta daisies today.
Posted by Bigred: Sets me to thinking about the old wooden soda crates I have out back. Since semps don't need much watering maybe plant 2/3 in semps and fill the other holes w/ gravel. Have an old wooden tool caddy (double wide) that would look great w/pots of mums in the fall.
Posted by chancygardener: I have this cute wooden crate type thingie from the grocery's dumpster. Green beans came in it (stamped on front that its beans). It's that real thin wood that's tied/hinged with thin wire and a lid that's hinged on so that's its like a box. I put 2 old black nursery pots full of my geranium cuttings and jew cuttings inside (the pots don't show).
Posted by Seamommy: Out by the well house I have a copper tea kettle someone threw out. I put a hole in the bottom and partly buried it. It looks pretty cute too.
Posted by luvsroses: I planted snapdragons in a little metal wheelbarrow. It is only about 7 inches tall or so.
Posted by pplantlady: I plant up everything.....boots, old sinks, bathtubs, chairs, schooldesks, teacups, beds....you name it! If it will hold soil...it will hold a plant. One of my garden favs.....a childs bed. It's a couple of years old now and was originally planted as a quilt with a pillow. Now its just a catch all for extra seeds. I like that wild look aboutit. My sweetie and I got it for ten bucks and he built me a wooden box where the mattress was. We drilled holesin it for drainage and planted it up. It has faded a bit from the sun....but it still looks pretty cool!
Posted by CraftyGardener: I have an old drum from a washing machine planted with mint. Other things I have planted in are frypans, saucepans, teapots, old mugs, old wheelbarrows, and old seed spreader, old wicker baskets ... just about anything that can hold dirt can become a planter.
And here are a few more ideas from Member CraftyGardener (her member name speaks for itself!):
Fill an old wheelbarrow with dirt and plant in it. If it is rusted out like mine was you won't need to add drainage holes. I have chives, hens and chicks, and some other ground cover plants that like to trail over the edges. Any old piece of garden equipment is great for planting in. I have used an old seed spreader, old metal buckets, an old watering can, and old wheelbarrows. Remember to add drainage holes.
Use old tires filled with dirt to put tomato plants in. During the day the tires soak up the heat and over night that helps to keep the plants warm. I have seen old sinks, bathtubs and even toilets filled with plants on various gardening shows on television. Barrel halves, old or new, make great containers for plants. You can even transform them into mini water gardens. A great place to put lots of pots of various sizes is in a old child's wagon.
Interesting pieces of pottery, bowls, tea cups,tea pots, mugs, bowls etc. found at garage sales look beautiful with small plants in them. Old plates placed under pots act as a catch-all for the water. An old saucepan, a teapot and cup and saucer, an old fry pan and a metal bucket filled with various plants sit in my "pot garden". http://faq.gardenweb.com/faq/lists/junk/2003054940029002.html

(Photo from Google Images)
What do Junkers use for Flower Pots?
Posted by Fanni: Now that summer is coming and my plants start getting "babies", I never have enough pots. I use all kinds of things as pots, yogurt cups, old plastic cups, buckets. I'd be interested to know, what do you guys use as pots?
Posted by Kim_in_AB: Everything ! I have old tin soup pots, a taken apart wok, a mysterious metal thing - I have no idea what it was in it's former life. Anything that will hold dirt becomes converted into a flower pot or seedling pot in Spring.
Posted by Rosebud531: One thing I ended up using is a stainless steel coffee pot. It's the kind you put on your firepit. The top (glass) had broke, so I put some soil in it with some flowers and have it hanging from my shepards hook. I have gotten so many compliments from it. I love to have unique things in the garden.
Posted by Jan_Hobbs: I have a couple of old coal buckets that make very nice planters. Last year I had caladiums, ivy, and a trailing sweet potato plant in one. Something else I use is my DH's old "brogans" (high top work boots) they usually have cracks in the sides when I get them and so are perfect for drainage. Just make sure you stuff the dirt all the way to the toes. You just have to watch the soil to keep it from getting too dry. Then I have an black antique baby shoe that I have a tiny plant in on my kitchen window. Hen and chicks really look good in it. I use an old kerosene heater for a fern stand. I also have a couple of 'worn out' wheelbarrows that really look good with training plants in them. My DH says if it ain't nailed down, I will either paint something on it or plant something in it!
Posted by bouncingpig: Everything! I use old mop buckets, galvanized tubs, old enamelware basins & coffeepots, plain black plastic pots with mosaics on top, old toolboxes, a couple old chairs. You name it!
Posted by YUKON_GOLD: Old plastic bowls with drainage hole in bottom - now known as the official wax begonia containers. Old ice bucket, with holes drilled in bottom. Old angel food cake pan (used that one on the patio table and stuck the patio umbrella through the hole in the center).
Posted by CraftyGardener: Anything that can hold dirt can be planted in at my house ... old frypans and saucepans, cups and saucers, teapots, old wicker baskters, buckets, wheelbarrows, seed spreaders, old washing machine tubs, old boots, and the list goes on and on
Posted by handmayyd: A neighbor & I 'saved' some ski boots left by the dumpster in our alley - We painted one white with silver stars for her dil, put in an ivy (the one with the white edge) and are pondering what to do with the other - I think a pine tree seedling belongs in at least one.
Posted by CMWren: All of those cute mugs you've accumulated for years, don't want to ditch for sentimental reasons, but whose numbers are so great even the worst caffeine addict and laziest dish washer could never use them all... Glass jars don't make it to the recylce bin in my house because they get saved for water-rooting cuttings. I've even started filling all the pretty pottery bowls that I keep buying because I love them but never end up using for food. Why have them stacked on the sideboard collecting dust when they could be showing off a plant, and could have a plant in them to show off the lovely bowl?
TIP: For solid bottom containers or anything you don't want to put holes in: Bit of gravel in the bottom, piece of old window screen next, then soil on top.
Posted by nutcase: I have a grain scoop that is really cute with some Sweet William in it. A chicken watering can with moss in the bottom part and millon bells in the top. One large and one small galvanized bucket. Two large (larger than wiskey barrels) plastic containers that minerals for cows came in.
Posted by LibbyLiz: I use: Bush's Baked Beans cans (16-oz sz) with yogurt cups inside; An old painted label Musselman's Applesauce can with a Solo drink cup inside; Coffee cups with yogurt cups inside; A white metal red-rim wash basin; A blue spongeware canning bath with a pot inside; A coal bucket with a pot inside; A porcelain chamber pot with a pot inside; A 1970's copper hanging bowl-type thing with a yogurt cup inside; A little red wagon; An American Indian pottery votive candle holder with a 3-oz plastic Solo bathroom cup inside; A 5-gallon bucket for 'maters; A 5-gallon bucket for Elephant Ears *** The 5-gallon buckets may get decorated with Con-Tact adhevsive shelf paper; Pre-decorated margerine containers; Pre-decorated Cool Whip containers; and clear deli containers.
TIP: For all the plastic cups & containers, I use a wood burning tool with a round tip to make drainage holes and for the 5-gallon buckets, I use a drill & the largest bit I can find to make drainage holes.
bean57: Galvanized washtubs, old copper fish boilers, old farm pee pots, brass fire extinquisher, wooden tool box, washbasins. I like containers that look rustic and old fashioned.
iracountrygirl: I love to find those cheap they can't hardly give them away baskets. I just spray paint them. I have some spray paint that I think the color is called pottery or old pottery. It's a real dark terracotta color and I use the flat (no gloss). You can even glue the flat marbles (gems) on them to dress them up and give them some sparkle. If you want to sit the basket on anything that needs protecting just line the basket with plastic before you fill it. They look really great. They're really cheap. They come in every size. I love them!
TIP: I use a soil mix for my containers that is roughly (very roughly!) 75% soiless potting soil, 25% good garden soil, time release fertilizer (pellets) and some of the water absorbing crystals. http://faq.gardenweb.com/faq/lists/junk/2003052512005288.html
Here are some other fun links with a more ideas including bowling ball gallery, back of a toy truck, more chair ideas, teapot bird baths and more:
As always thanks to Jean for Hosting Blooming Tuesday and Tootsie at Fertilizer Friday!
To see more great Blooming Tuesday Gardens visit : http://msgreenthumbjean.blogspot.com/
To see more Fertilizer Friday Gardens, visit: http://www.tootsietime.com/
Very nice. I have several planted chairs, three wheelbarrows, a radio flyer wagon, a grill and even a lawn tractor planted in my gardens.....fun stuff!
Hi Paula,
You asked about the link for creating collages. I use Picassa 3 -- just google it and then you'll have to download the program and download your photos into the program. When you download a file of photos, there is a small link button above the photos that makes the collages.
Wonderful ideas for spring, thanks for the links & tips. I've had one of those planted chairs, nice focal point. :)
Thanks for all of the great ideas and links!
My favorite garden art pieces are junk! Jean
Very cool! Thank you for all the fun ideas.
Your header photo captured my attention. Your outdoors looks very relaxing and comfortable. It's like an outdoor living room. Very nice!
Thanks for all the fun links. I just love junk in the garden! I don't have any chairs, the wood seems to break up after a few years. I like metal rusty stuff that last awhile!
WoW! What wonderfully creative container ideas.
Paula, your opening picture looks like it came from one of those famous garden magazines. When I saw it in person it was just as dreamy and relaxing. I might not get anything done. I'd want to hang out there most of the day.
All of those are great ideas. Thanks for all the links and info. Love those planted chairs. Have a great day!
Sherrie's Stuff
I just popped in from Tootsie's. You sure have a lot of links to some really neat places. Can't link those right now but I'll be back.
Lovely blog. I following your blog. Have a good weekend.
Thanks for all the great ideas!
Great ideas! I have a planted chair.
Love junque in the garden. Thanks so much for all the inspiration
Seek and ye shall find! What a great bunch of ideas.
Wow you have lots of really great ideas. The planted chairs are really cute!
Some really creative ideas for planters here. My Mum used to have several old metal drums from the centre of washing machines planted up with pretty annuals.
wellllll.....this post is a post after my own junkin heart!!! I love the list of ideas you have shared today!!! thanks for linking into fertilizer friday...and I hope you will again....I am now a very avid follower!
Hi, I'm still reading through your posts! Seems everybody is planting chairs, they are so cute, that's on my list of things to do this year, I just haven't found an old one to use yet!
I got to the bottom of your blog, and you have the most beautiful hollyhocks I've ever seen! Every year I plant them but never have luck; some say it gets too hot, some say it's the soil; maybe hollyhocks just don't like me, still I try. Planted some just the other day, so I persevere!
Hey - I am really happy to find this. great job!
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